Where Can We Help

Chanak Resources

At the time when everything is changing so rapidly, industries are evolving overnight, focus is the key. Hence at Chanak Resources we believe in mastering one, rather than being jack of all trades. Today we are one of the leading IT Human/Talent Resources Consultants in India helping to shape the change. Our key domain of services are Information Technology (Software, Web Application Development, UI/UX Design, Cloud Computing, AI and so on).

We have dedicated our self to the cause of bettering and supporting of IT Industry. Our IT Consulting team comprises of industry experts, head hunters, talent acquisition specialists with vast experience working in world’s top IT Consulting firms.

We serve to help our clients realize their dreams effortlessly. By means of helping you build a team so you can focus on your core business.


Help our client srealize their dreams effort lessly.


To be a leader in the new world of technology by managing talents.


Changing the world of work by managing jobs with passion.

Rajarshi Dey

A young entrepreneur with a strategic mind and acreative heart Rajarshi has been helping businesses manage talents for almost a decade.Rajarshiisthe co-founder and business head of Chanak Resources.

Tulika Dutta

A National Award winning business leader and iconic figure in Network Marketing industry Tulika.

Few Word From the Directors

Duis pretium gravida enim, vel maximus ligula fermentum a. Sed rhoncus eget ex id egestas. Nam nec nisl placerat, tempus erat a, condimentum metus. Curabitur nulla nisi, lacinia at lobortis at, suscipit at nibh. Proin quis lectus finibus, mollis purus vitae, rutrum neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam sed cursus metus, vel viverra mi. Mauris aliquet egestas eros ac placerat. Proin condimentum ligula at diam euismod fringilla et quis lacus.

Duis pretium gravida enim, vel maximus ligula fermentum a. Sed rhoncus eget ex id egestas. Nam nec nisl placerat, tempus erat a, condimentum metus. Curabitur nulla nisi, lacinia at lobortis at, suscipit at nibh. Proin quis lectus finibus, mollis purus vitae, rutrum neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam sed cursus metus, vel viverra mi. Mauris aliquet egestas eros ac placerat. Proin condimentum ligula at diam euismod fringilla et quis lacus.